Power. Prayer. Perspective.

I am Kimberly Brown… I haven't always been able to identify, let alone understand who I am or what I was supposed to do, yet God has taken me through a life that prepared me for where I am today.

I believe He gave me yoGod many years ago, yet I had to give myself to Him in order to bring it to life.

Faith hasn't always been a part of my life, but now I can't imagine a life without it.

I found yoga when I lost my dad, yet I found God when I lost myself.

Yoga was the information that helped me, God was the transformation that healed me.

It was not only natural, but necessary for these 2 worlds to collide. God created one body for us to fulfill His purpose - it is our responsibility to build and nurture this temple.

Yoga Empowers. God Defines.

Yoga is a practice that empowers us to control the momentary madness, it helps us master a mind-body connection, and it gives us the space to accept yet challenge ourselves beyond our limits with gentleness and love.

A faith in God gives meaning to the breath in our lungs, it provides a foundation of truth that is unchanging, and the power of prayer gives perspective to not only the here and now, but to the purpose we are created to fulfill. 

I know I am called to bring God's word to the world through yoga and I can't wait to share it with y'all.

Faith. Flow. Family.

Outside of yoga and faith - my family is everything. 

The greatest gift, the greatest reward, the greatest honor and privilege, and the greatest testament of God's amazing work is not 1, but 3 children that call me mama — we live a crazy life together, I get to homeschool them, and we love living outside the box.

We were a police family for many years and though I respect, appreciate, and value the profession more than words - the lifestyle is not made for a family (at least my family).

We have had our ups and downs for sure - and God has graced us with many restarts, several lessons, moments of wanting to throw in the towel and many incredible memories… to include an RV adventure for a year through 29 amazing states. 

We are unconventional beyond understanding, but the unconditional love from God and for each other makes all things joyfully possible. 

I am never short for words, so if y'all ever want to know more about me or yoGod, I am always willing to share and I welcome feedback! 

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